Thursday, February 28, 2019

Embroidered flowers

Hello all 

Hope all r doing good.  On the crafty side everything is going on well.  Mostly I am crocheting and doing kutch work embroidery.  In between them I have embroidered some flowers which I have like on seeing some dresses in an idea of doing it in kurti in future.  

The first one is a simple stitch - Woven spider wheel stitch.

The big flowers are woven spider wheel stitch and the dots are french dots.  Now a days in pinterest I am seeing so many pins with french knots used to fill  a design.  And it looks good too.  Instead of going for beads or stones it will be well and good to use french knots.  I love to do french knots after purchasing aari embroidery stand.  It is very easy to do if we fit the embroidery frame on a stand.  Moreover the flower looks cute when done in  variegated thread.  Important point to note here on doing woven spider wheel stitch is there should be odd number of spokes.  I used all the 6 strands of thread and for french knots I wound the thread once around the needle.

Next one - Cast on stitch

Here I have used variegated brown thread with all the six strands.  Leaves are lazy daisy stitch with 3 strands.  This flower needs practice to get it's shape.  Initially I struggled with it after a couple of stitches I succeeded.  

Next one - Ring knots

This is a variation of french knots with a ring.  In aari embroidery this stitch is used widely for flowers.  Here also I have used the 6 strands of thread.  The stem and leaves are done using aari technique just to practice.  I like this stitch .  Embroidering a flower with ring knots and outlining it with beads gives an elegant look in aari embroidery.  

Tomorrow I will be giving the update  on the ripple blanket and cross stitch cushion.  Also, Crochet purses are in line to appear here.  So do watch my space.  Till then, Have a happy time with needle n thread.


  1. Oh different types of flowers. Wonderful......

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I admire what you have done here. I love the part where you say you are doing this to give back but I would assume by all the comments that is working for you as well. Do you have any more info on this?
    kithcen linen


I would like to hear from you as it boosts me up a lot.
