Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Embroidery Design - Holbein Stitch

 Hi all

Hope all are doing well.  Today I am happy to share with you a simple and new embroidery design that uses Holbein Stitch. Holbein Stitch is double running stitch.

Tutorial for Holbein stitch is here.

I have stitched a geometrical design that uses  three colours on a dark blue colour poplin cotton.  Now onto the design.

I have drawn the design on a 10 lines per inch graph paper. You can also stitch in even weave fabric such as aida.

Pattern for the design

Thread colours - Anchor embroidery floss
Red - 6578
Cream - 300
Orange - 330
I used 3 strands for all the colours.

Back in 2013 I have done a lunch towel project using this stitch.  You can view it here.

You can view other stitch tutorials and its designs here.

Tomorrow I will share the tutorial for Holbein stitch.  I am also working on a neck pattern using this stitch.  Once completed I will upload it.  


I would like to hear from you as it boosts me up a lot.
